Little Angels Preschool & Daycare - About

Our community is a place where children are respected as individuals and entrusted to use their voice about their learning experiences. Children have the opportunity to create, explore, and imagine experiences in diverse environments. Families have the support and resources to help guide the growth of the whole child. We respect and value individual, cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity and provide a program that is fun for children, to enhance their love of learning

The Little Angels Philosophy
Individual Child First Approach
We believe each child learns and develops differently. Our approach is to look at their individual needs and tailor our learning activities to grow the whole child.
Advocate on behalf of Children
Our first job as caregivers is to be there for our students and ensure their safety and well-being. At times, we must be their voice, when they cannot speak for themselves.
Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
Learning happens best when we are having fun. Some people might think we are a little weird. Here at Little Angels, directors crawl around barking like dogs with the children and teachers sing clean up directions. If it puts a smile on their face and encourages involvement, we like to be silly.
Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
The whole-child develops when children try new things, explore new ideas and are open to meeting new people. We also believe in risky play for children. Risky, or adventurous, play is beneficial to children’s development by helping them cope with stressful situations, learn how to follow-through, improve social interaction skills, increase creativity, assist in understanding their limitations, improved motor skills, and improve cognitive understanding of the environment.
Pursue Growth and Learning
We value the development of our staff and believe that it is important to provide them with the building blocks of success. We hold monthly workshops to give them hands-on tools and experiences. These can be seen in the classroom, where lesson plans are adapted to fit children’s needs in an age-appropriate manner, situations are handled with conflict-resolution planning, and room lay-out is thought through to provide a quality learning environment.
Build Open and Honest Relationships through Communication
Relationships are strongest when open and honest. The parent-teacher partnership is essential to how we work together to help the child grow.
Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
We love our teachers. They are the heart and soul of our school. Staff are paid for closed holidays and receive paid vacation time.
Do More with Less
It’s important to not over stimulate ourselves. It’s also important to get in touch with the world around us, and use those teachable moments.
Be Passionate and Determined
Passion and determination make the world go round. It is our hope to instill quality characteristics in every life we touch.
Be Humble
Kindness, respect, and manners are taught by example.